19th hole driving range Penrith - a great place to work on your game!
Tuesday, August 6, 2019
As many of my patients and you readers would know by now, I love my golf, and if I'm not in the clinic, I can probably be found on a golf course somewhere, and if not, I might just be at a driving range working on my game. Just last week I ducked into Penrith's newest, revamped, driving range; The 19th hole.
The driving range has been there for years and has changed hands multiple times, and it seems that it has found a good owner to bring out it's full potential. There have already been vast improvements and judging by their website, there is a lot more to come. The website will show you that there are plans for a ‘pitch and putt', mini golf, as well as a fully licensed restaurant. You can visit their website by clicking here.
There is somewhat of a pro-shop when you enter the complex, which is something you don't see at a lot of driving ranges. I paid $20 for the largest bucket of balls they had and someone even carried them out for me! Once I was out there it was time to hit some balls.
One of my pet hates is when a driving range has really old and crappy golf balls. The spin characteristics and flight of an old and dirty golf ball are different to what you would hit in your round of golf so it makes it hard to determine the distance and shot shape that you are hitting. I'm glad to say the 19th hole had fantastic, clean and new Mizuno range balls. This is certainly something you don't find at all ranges.
I think the range measured a bit over 200 meters to the back fence, had clearly signed distances (as you can see in the pictures), had multiple flags to aim at, set at different distances and even had bunkers with real sand around the greens!
The coolest feature of this revamped driving range has to be the fact that they have added an island green! There is a green set up around 100-120 meters out that is flanked by a bunker either side and had water short of it! Definitely the coolest thing I have seen on a driving range.
Overall, I found this driving range to be a great place and a very enjoyable place to work on your game. If you are a golfer around Penrith I definitely recommend you get out there and have a look. You can also book a couple of lessons to sort that swing out!
I can't wait to be spending a bit more time there!
For our recent article about hitting the ball further click here.
For our review of Glenmore Heritage Valley Golf Club click here.
Are you a golfer with some niggles? Click here to make an appointment.